Population variable


nvar: number of variables, dimensions of search-space

nind: number of individuals, size of population

The LB and UB contain the lower and upper constraints for every variables. The IEC will search in these intervals. User must give low and high boundaries for every variable, certainly the -Inf and +Inf can be used. The upper boundary must be grater than the low boundary.

The devi contains the strategy variables. Under mutation random generated numbers are added to individuals, these normally distributed random numbers are multiplied by factors. The devi contains these factors for every individuals (see the article).

The chrom contains the chromosomes: real-coded row-vectors for every individual.


%Initialize popu variable:

popun = 9; %population size

popu.LB = [0 0 -1];

popu.UB = [5 10 +1];

initchrom = [2.5 5 0]; %chromosome for first generation

initdevi = (popu.UB-popu.LB)/sqrt(varn)/2; %strategy variable for first generation

popu.devi = repmat([popu.devi],popun,1); %strategy variables

popu.chrom = repmat(initchrom,popun,1)+randn(popun,varn).*popu.devi; %chromosomes

popu.generation = 1;

%Display the chromosome of first individual:
